SKU: xoxo Category:

The low-speed flexible impeller pump is widely used in the wine, food, chemical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries and is ideal for transferring delicate and fragile, viscous fluids, including those with suspended matter.
Operation is based on the flexible impeller blades that deform and suck in liquid inside the pump, transferring it continuously to the outlet (discharge).
This principle combines gentle pumping with high self-priming capacity (automatic product suction up to 6 m depth even when dry).
Operation is reversible: it works in both directions of rotation, so that any excess liquid flows back out without manual intervention and facilitates emptying the pipes at the end of the transfer.
The impeller pump is able to give excellent performance already at low RPM that allows the transfer of delicate and fragile, viscous fluids up to 50,000 cp even with suspended bodies and without aerating, emulsifying and damaging solid parts.
Product transfer is pulse-free, continuous-flowing perfect for dosing, filling and filtration.
The pump works mounted in any position and is made of stainless steel.

Available in various models