ISIOX | The optimization of dissolved gases in wine.

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ISIOX is the innovative system engineered and manufactured in Italy that allows for simple and noninvasive gas optimization in wine.

The applications are capable of managing O2 and CO2 content at any time during the processing process, and the benefits relate primarily to improving organoleptic quality and aromaticity and improving shelf-life of bottled wines.

This is a high-tech plant with advanced sensor technology and process algorithms, designed “tailored” to the customer’s needs including customized executions about flow rate and footprint.

ISIOX is useful to meet the tastes of the target market so when
1) the market imposes precise levels of CO2 that differ depending on the country of destination
2) you want to change the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the wine without stripping
3) You want to reduce the amount of sulfur dioxide at bottling.
4) In soft packing cases such as tetrapacks and bag-in-boxes.

ISIOX is an integrated system capable of:
– Subtracting oxygen from wines during processing and pre-bottling;
– Subtracting hydrogen sulfide and methylmercaptan, which are responsible for hints of reduction that sometimes plague the aromatic expression of some wines, even after frothing;
– Regulating both in a diminutive and augmentative sense the dissolved carbon dioxide content of still wines.

The latter option is seeing considerable interest among our customers in Italy and abroad, aided by a recent trend of specific CO2 content requirements from large buyers.

With ISIOX technology, it is possible to customize that value by differentiating it market by market (Germans are known to like more CO2 than Americans, for example), going so far as to be able to offer even seasonalized customization for high-rotation wines (richer in CO2 in warm seasons, less in cooler ones) to the benefit of so-called “drinkability.”

It is also possible to uniformly and precisely adjust bottle pressure, adapting it to market (e.g., excise tax on sparkling wines) or technological (e.g., bursting light glass bottles of sparkling wines) needs.

Recent studies reveal that treatment with ISIOX also produces a significant decrease in the concentration of acetic aldehyde in wines.

From the point of view of sustainability, an important issue for us, we can say that ISIOX allows a focus in the different aspects of sustainability:
1) social: the reduction in the use of sulfur dioxide (additive) is in favor of the wholesomeness of the wine for consumption;
2) economic: ISIOX replaces otherwise more wasteful processes in the winery, thus allowing wineries some economic savings;
3) environmental: the system does not involve spare parts except minimal (thus no material disposal);
4) productive: the ease of use and simple human-machine interface allow ISIOX great versatility.

A manual version called “ISIOX ATTRACTION X” is also available.


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